Christopher Velis is a Home inspector and owner of HomeFront Inspections located in Park Ridge, New Jersey where he provides top-notch services in the real estate sector. Christopher developed a passion for the real estate industry due to his mother's involvement as an agent in the past. Before his current role, he was engaged in interior design and held a position as a construction manager. He pursued his education at the Manhattan School for Visual Arts and participated in building management extension programs at NYU.
Christopher Velis
Realtor at HomeFront Inspections
Park Ridge, NJ
55 Years Experience
Contact Me
(201) 406-4931
$ Activity range:
$ $ $ $
Accepting New Clients
Verified Transactions in NJ

About me
What do you attribute to your success?
Family! His father was an immigrant from Greece and instilled hard work into him and his brothers.
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