Chris Warnsley is a dedicated realtor with TD Realty in Mansfield, Texas, known for his commitment to providing personalized, client-focused service. With a passion for helping first-time homebuyers, luxury home buyers, and anyone looking to buy or sell property in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every transaction. Chris's proactive and adaptable approach ensures that his clients achieve their real estate goals, whether they are new to the market or seasoned investors. As a licensed real estate agent, Chris's extensive experience and skill set make him a valuable partner in any property transaction. He goes above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction, utilizing his in-depth understanding of the local market to offer tailored advice and strategies. With Chris Warnsley, clients can expect a knowledgeable and dedicated professional who is committed to their success.
Chris Warnsley
Realtor at TD Realty
Mansfield, TX
5 Years Experience
(972) 900-8788
$ Activity range:
$ $ $ $
Accepting New Clients
Verified Transactions in TX

About me
Focus Areas
Greater Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
Mansfield, TX
Specializes in
Buyer Agent
Investment Properties
New Construction
Real Estate Awards
TD Realty Millionaire Club (2021)
TD Realty Millionaire Club (2022)
Have you ever written any articles or publications?
Hobbies, sports, or special interests you enjoy?
Sport cars (specifically corvettes)
What do you enjoy most about doing real estate and the communities you serve?
Educating clients on the importance of understanding the entire home buying process prior to starting a transaction to make process less stressful for the client.
What do you attribute to your success?
Chris attributes his success to structure and having systems in place along with meeting new people, leading with value and being a Realtor with integrity.
Rating & reviews ( reviews)